How long have you worked in the bike industry?
Sine 2011
Favorite bike you have?
Custom built Deity cryptkeeper dirt jumper
Spirit animal?
English Bulldog
Favorite Little Debbie snack?
Creme Pies
Worst memory on a bike
My involuntary facial reconstruction crash circa 2011
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
That's a No for me.
Best memory on a bike
Teaching my son how to ride.
Why did you decide to work at the spoke shop
This shop has provided the best opportunities for growth in the local bike industry
Shimano or sram
Shimano-brakes Sram-Drivetrain
Favorite type of riding?
Downhill and dirt jump
What bikes do you own right now?
stumpjumper evo, evil faction 2
Cips or Flats?
Flats always and forever
What is your go to lube
In the shop for customers- muc off c3 ceramic
Personal bikes- closest bottle of lube I can find